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Spring Forward with Safety: Your Guide to Injury-Free Exercise
Spring Forward with Safety: Your Guide to Injury-Free Exercise

Feeling a bit sluggish after the time change? You're definitely not alone.

trying on shoes

But fear not! Combat that groggy feeling by incorporating some invigorating exercise into your daily routine. Here are some fresh tips to help you ease into your workouts this season, courtesy of the MyFootShop team.


Broström Lateral Ankle Stabilization
Broström Lateral Ankle Stabilization

Brostrom lateral ankle stabilization

There's a lot of ways to stabilize an ankle - why has the Broström procedure become the most popular surgical solution for lateral ankle instability?

Lateral ankle sprains are the most common injury seen by sports medicine physicians.(1)  Many ankle sprains will result in chronic instability of...

Ankle fusion – improved walking following ankle fusion with the use of a Carbon Fiber Spring Plate
Ankle fusion – improved walking following ankle fusion with the use of a Carbon Fiber Spring Plate

Carbon Fiber Spring Plates improve walking following ankle fusion.ankle fusion

Surgical fusion of a joint is one of many methods used to treat painful, arthritic joints.  Arthritis that affects a joint following an injury is called secondary osteoarthritis.  Secondary arthritis of the ankle is common and often...

Peroneal tendon injuries – diagnosis and treatment in elite cross country athletes
Peroneal tendon injuries – diagnosis and treatment in elite cross country athletes

What a cross country training regimen can tell you about peroneal tendinitis, peroneal tendon tears and peroneal tendon subluxationJogging

When you meet with your doctor, there’s an unwritten script that your doc is using to guide his/her decision making.  Past medical history, social history, family hist...

Chronic Achilles tendinitis – treatment with a Carbon Graphite Spring Plate
Chronic Achilles tendinitis – treatment with a Carbon Graphite Spring Plate

Chronic Achilles tendonitis – treatment with Spring PlatesAchilles tendon

What’s a Spring Plate got to do with Achilles tendinitis?  Quite a bit, actually.  A Spring Plate changes the gait cycle enough to ‘unload’ the Achilles tendon during gait.  Let’s take a little closer look.

The leg, the ankle and the foot ...