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  • March 11, 2020

    Metatarsal pads – to skive or not to skive

    Skiving provides a finished edge to the metatarsal pad – but does that matter? What is skiving? Metatarsal pads come in different shapes, sizes and densities. One question often asked by customers is in regards to the beveled edge of...

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  • April 12, 2016

    Metatarsal Transfer Lesions | Causes and treatment options

    The forefoot is designed to work as a unit. With each step, the multiple bones of the forefoot are intended to distribute load bearing in an equal distribution. In theory, each metatarsal head should carry an equal amount of load. A metatarsal transfer lesion occurs when one metatarsal head carries more than its fair share of load.

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  • April 7, 2016

    Metatarsal Pads | Which one is right for me?

    Metatarsal pads - which one is right for me? This article explores the different types of metatarsal pads and their indications and uses for forefoot pain, metatarsalgia, forefoot capsulitis and forefoot bursitis.

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  • February 8, 2016

    Metatarsal Pads - Proper placement

    Metatarsal pads treat a host of forefoot problems including capsulitis and Morton's neuroma. but placement of these versatile pads can be tricky. This video helps to orient users of metatarsal pads to proper placement of the pad.

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  • February 26, 2015

    Treatment of plantar plate tears

    Plantar plate tear refers to a tear in the soft tissue structure of the ball of the foot. Th is article discusses treatment of plantar plate tears with metatarsal pads.

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  • February 4, 2015

    Metatarsal Pad Instructional Videos

    How do I use a metatarsal pad? Our instructional videos are so important. We can tell you how to use it but there's nothing better than actually seeing a pad placed in the correct position.

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  • January 26, 2015

    Treating Morton's Neuroma - The Jane Russell Effect

    Morton's neuroma is a common forefoot condition, so common in fact that in many cases, if a patient has forefoot pain, Morton's neuroma is cited as a differential diagnosis. Although there's a host of different conditions that may cause forefoot pain, Morton's neuroma often tops the list of problems. This article explores the treatment options for Morton's neuroma.

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  • March 3, 2014

    Forefoot pads - which one is best for my needs?

    At our weekly meeting last week, Sue, aka Susanita, came up with a good idea for a discussion topic. Sue was interested in knowing more about which forefoot pad was best for each particular foot condition. Sue's question is actually a very good question in that we've never really had a good method to differentiate the use for each pad. We've never really tried to segment the forefoot pads in a meaningful way.

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  • January 14, 2014

    Hanging your met pads out on the clothes line to dry.

    Felt is probably not the best choice of metatarsal pad for someone who wants to wear the pad directly on the foot and take a shower. Felt is water absorbent and would remain damp for a few hours after a shower. The visual image I had was of a row of felt metatarsal pads on the clothes line, each with a clothes pin. Nah, poor choice.

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