Which dancer’s pad is right for me?
How do you select the most appropriate dancer’s pads for your needs? This article explores the use of foam, felt and reusable gel dancer’s pads and guides you into how to use dancer’s pads.
How do you select the most appropriate dancer’s pads for your needs? This article explores the use of foam, felt and reusable gel dancer’s pads and guides you into how to use dancer’s pads.
Reusable gel metatarsal pads and reusable gel dancer's pads come in two thicknesses. Which thickness is right for you? This article discussed the varied thicknesses of these reusable foot pads and their indications.
What's the best way to treat sesamoiditis? This article discusses 5 ways to treat tibial and fibular sesamoiditis. Which one is right for you? Many times there may be more than one solution.
What's a mitten pad? Just another way to describe a dancer's pad. Proper use of a dancer's pad puts the callus or sore spot in the nook just above the thumb, between the thumb and fore finger.
What's the best orthotic for hallux limitus? There's a lot of choices. This article explores the different inserts and orthotics used to treat hallux limitus.
We recently got into a discussion at the shop about dancer's pad and placement on the foot. Which pad is the right pad and which is the left? How does the left fit on the right foot? How does a right treat a left? I see how folks can get confused.
Off-loading forefoot pads- The third and final category of off-loading forefoot pads are the pads that are used to target or treat a specific portion of the forefoot. By off-loading, we're referring to a pad that is placed adjacent to the area that is being treated.
Forefoot pads - The second category of forefoot pads is general purpose off-loading pads. By off-loading, we're referring to a pad that is placed adjacent to the area that is being treated.
At our weekly meeting last week, Sue, aka Susanita, came up with a good idea for a discussion topic. Sue was interested in knowing more about which forefoot pad was best for each particular foot condition. Sue's question is actually a very good question in that we've never really had a good method to differentiate the use for each pad. We've never really tried to segment the forefoot pads in a meaningful way.