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Blog posts tagged with 'forefoot pad'

Reusable Foot Pads
Reusable Foot Pads

What's so cool about reusable gel foot pads? The reason they're so popular is that they just keep on a' working. Simply wash with soap and water and they become adherent again.

Forefoot Compression Sleeve | Indications for use
Forefoot Compression Sleeve | Indications for use

How do you speed the healing of metatarsal stress fractures? The Forefoot Compression Sleeve stabilizes fractures and controls forefoot edema. Works well in post-op shoes or in street shoes.

Direct loading forefoot pads - which one is the best for my needs?

Forefoot Pads - The first of 3 categories of forefoot pads is direct load forefoot pads. Direct loading means that the primary intent of the pad is that it is used directly under the area to be treated. This differs from an off-loading pad that would be used adjacent to the area to be treated.

Forefoot pads - which one is best for my needs?

At our weekly meeting last week, Sue, aka Susanita, came up with a good idea for a discussion topic. Sue was interested in knowing more about which forefoot pad was best for each particular foot condition. Sue's question is actually a very good question in that we've never really had a good method to differentiate the use for each pad. We've never really tried to segment the forefoot pads in a meaningful way.