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Broström Lateral Ankle Stabilization
Broström Lateral Ankle Stabilization

Brostrom lateral ankle stabilization

There's a lot of ways to stabilize an ankle - why has the Broström procedure become the most popular surgical solution for lateral ankle instability?

Lateral ankle sprains are the most common injury seen by sports medicine physicians.(1)  Many ankle sprains will result in chronic instability of...

Talar neck fractures
Talar neck fractures

Why are talar neck fractures so prone to avascular necrosis?Talar fracture patterns

Sometimes a simple x-ray can say it all.  With all of the advanced testing that we have today, a simple x-ray can speak volumes.  You aren’t always able to capture the subtleties of bones and joints with each and every x-ray.  But every s...

Bone Contusion Confusion
Bone Contusion Confusion

What's the confusion about the contusion?Ankle MRI

It was December 2008 when I posted a blog entitled, Bone contusions – are they really fractures? The conversation from readers was absolutely intriguing. But the irony of the post is that in the past nine years, there doesn’t seem to be any more clarity r...

Cast Disease – is it still an issue?
Cast Disease – is it still an issue?

How has internal fixation changed our thinking about cast disease?Hans_Wilennegger

Immobilization is one of the primary tenants of injury management.  But prolonged immobilization can result in problems.  Cast disease describes the problems associated with immobilization of an injury with rigid casting or prolonge...

What is micro fracture?
What is micro fracture?

How is micro-fracture used in foot and ankle surgery?Hallux limitus chondromalacia

The surface of every joint is covered with a smooth, glistening material called cartilage.  Cartilage is an avascular structure that is supplied with oxygen and essential nutrients by the synovial fluid within the joint.  Synovial fluid is capab...