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Glass Fiber Shoe Plate Flat | Indications for use
Glass Fiber Shoe Plate Flat | Indications for use

The Carbon Fiber Shoe Plate is used to stiffen shoes. Indications for Flat Carbon Shoe Plate include midfoot arthritis, midfoot fractures and metatarsal stress fracture. Learn more in this article about the indications and uses of the Carbon Fiber Shoe Plate Flat.

Reusable Foot Pads
Reusable Foot Pads

What's so cool about reusable gel foot pads? The reason they're so popular is that they just keep on a' working. Simply wash with soap and water and they become adherent again.

Raynaud's Disease and beta blockers - How beta blockers contribute to Raynaud's Disease
Raynaud's Disease and beta blockers - How beta blockers contribute to Raynaud's Disease

Raynaud's disease is a painful vasospasm that is triggered by exposure to cold. There are a number of contributing factors to Raynaud's including use of beta blockers. This article explores how beta blockers increase the symptoms of Raynaud's disease.

Raynaud's Disease - Symptoms and treatment options
Raynaud's Disease - Symptoms and treatment options

What's the difference between Raynaud's disease and Raynaud's phenomenon? This article explores the differences and treatment options for Raynaud's disease and Raynaud's phenomenon.

Sales bias in medical web sites
Sales bias in medical web sites

What is sales bias and how does it affect the credibility of a medial web site? This article discusses sales bias and how we strive to primarily educate and secondarily sell medical products.