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Self-Guided Foot Care

Talar Dome Fracture -Thursday, 14 January 2021
Talar dome injuries result from trauma to the ankle including ankle sprains (6-38% of all ankle sprains), fractures (greater than 70% of all ankle fractures). (1,2,3) Talar dome injuries create a focal... (read more)
Stress Fractures of the Foot -Wednesday, 13 January 2021
The term stress fracture describes a fracture that is the result of repetitive load (stress) and the failure of the bone to manage and heal the effects of that load. If a bone is unable to accommodate... (read more)
Metatarsal Fracture -Wednesday, 13 January 2021
Metatarsal fractures present in two basic categories: stress fractures and traumatic fractures. Metatarsal stress fractures occur as the result of repetitive load applied to the bone in an amount or at... (read more)
Calcaneal Fractures -Saturday, 14 November 2020
A broken heel bone is called a calcaneal fracture. There are many types of calcaneal fractures that are described by several calcaneal fracture classifications schemes. Treatment of a calcaneal fracture... (read more)