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Cramping of the Foot and Leg -Wednesday, 09 December 2020
A cramp is the abrupt spasm of muscle and associated tendon resulting in pain and often the mal-position of the anatomy associated with that muscle and tendon such as hyper-flexion, hyperextension or contracture... (read more)
Cracked Heels -Wednesday, 09 December 2020
Cracked (fissured) heels are deep splits in the skin on the rim of the heel. Cracked heels are seen more commonly in the winter months when the air is dry. Cracked heels can be deep enough to bleed and... (read more)
Corn and Callus -Wednesday, 09 December 2020
Friction between the foot and the floor is important in walking and running. Friction allows us to stand in place without slipping and to push off during the normal gait cycle. Each step we take results... (read more)
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome -Wednesday, 09 December 2020
The description of complex regional pain syndromes (CRPS) dates back to the mid-19th century when Mitchell first described this condition in 1864. Mitchell, a civil war surgeon, coined the term causalgia,... (read more)
Cold Feet -Friday, 20 November 2020
Cold feet can be caused by poor circulation, excessive perspiration or neurological conditions that limit blood flow to the feet. In some cases, cold feet may be due to one or more of these problems. Management... (read more)
Club Feet -Friday, 20 November 2020
Clubfoot, also known as talipes equinovarus, is a relatively common congenital malformation occurring in approximately 1:1000 births. The term talipes equinovarus describes a deformity in which the newborn's... (read more)
Claw Toe -Friday, 20 November 2020
A claw toe is one of a number of different types of digital deformities of the foot collectively known as hammer toes. A claw toe can affect one toe individually or all of the toes concurrently. Claw toes can... (read more)
Charcot Marie Tooth Disease -Friday, 20 November 2020
Charcot-Marie Tooth Disease (CMT) is an inherited neurological condition that results in muscle wasting of the lower legs, feet, and hands. CMT effects the peripheral nervous system and results in muscle... (read more)
Charcot Joint -Friday, 20 November 2020
Charcot joints occur when the ability to sense deep pain is diminished or lost. As a result of the inability to sense pain, small fractures begin to develop in bone subject to mechanical stress. The normal... (read more)
Capsulitis -Saturday, 14 November 2020
Capsulitis is an inflammatory condition that affects the outer lining of the joint called the joint capsule. Capsulitis can occur at any joint in the human body. In the foot, capsulitis is commonly found... (read more)
Callus -Saturday, 14 November 2020
The formation of callus is a protective mechanism used by the skin to respond to external mechanical irritation. All skin is capable of forming callus. The most common locations for callus on the foot... (read more)
Calcaneal Fractures -Saturday, 14 November 2020
A broken heel bone is called a calcaneal fracture. There are many types of calcaneal fractures that are described by several calcaneal fracture classifications schemes. Treatment of a calcaneal fracture... (read more)