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Anterior Shin Splints | Causes and treatment options
Anterior Shin Splints | Causes and treatment options

Anterior shin splints are the most common form of shin splints. Pain is specific to the middle to distal 1/3 of the lower leg and found on the anterior, medial aspect of the tibia (shin bone). This location on the shin corresponds to the origin of the tibialis anterior muscle. This article explores the onset and treatment options for shin splints.

Metatarsal Transfer Lesions | Causes and treatment options
Metatarsal Transfer Lesions | Causes and treatment options

The forefoot is designed to work as a unit. With each step, the multiple bones of the forefoot are intended to distribute load bearing in an equal distribution. In theory, each metatarsal head should carry an equal amount of load. A metatarsal transfer lesion occurs when one metatarsal head carries more than its fair share of load.

Metatarsal Pads | Which one is right for me?
Metatarsal Pads | Which one is right for me?

Metatarsal pads - which one is right for me? This article explores the different types of metatarsal pads and their indications and uses for forefoot pain, metatarsalgia, forefoot capsulitis and forefoot bursitis.

Glass Fiber Shoe Plate Flat | Indications for use
Glass Fiber Shoe Plate Flat | Indications for use

The Carbon Fiber Shoe Plate is used to stiffen shoes. Indications for Flat Carbon Shoe Plate include midfoot arthritis, midfoot fractures and metatarsal stress fracture. Learn more in this article about the indications and uses of the Carbon Fiber Shoe Plate Flat.

Natural Wart Remover | Ingredients
Natural Wart Remover | Ingredients

What makes a wart salve Natural Wart Salve? This article discusses the ingredients in Natural Wart Salve. Learn more about the ingredients in Natural Wart Salve that can naturally eliminate warts.