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5th Metatarsal Fractures – Conservative vs. Surgical Care
5th Metatarsal Fractures – Conservative vs. Surgical Care

When is surgery indicated in 5th metatarsal fractures?

It's been a busy week for metatarsal fractures.  I’ve seen three 5th metatarsal fractures this week. One was a fracture that required open reduction with internal fixation (surgery). One was treated with conservative care. The third case was...

A Dose of My Own Medicine
A Dose of My Own Medicine

Lessons learned from a foot surgeon undergoing foot surgery - Dr. Oster

One of the factors that motivated me to go into podiatry as a young man was, in fact, a bit personal.  Being born with bilateral club feet, I felt I might have a little more empathy for folks who suffered from foot and ankle pain.  It’...

Os Trigonum vs Gouty Arthritis
Os Trigonum vs Gouty Arthritis

Gout as a differential diagnosis for os trigonum syndrome in adolescent patientsMRI - Os trigonum

Posterior ankle pain in the adolescent patient population is a relatively uncommon complaint.  What is the differential diagnosis for posterior ankle pain in the adolescent population?  Most clinicians would not consid...

Bone Contusion Confusion
Bone Contusion Confusion

What's the confusion about the contusion?Ankle MRI

It was December 2008 when I posted a blog entitled, Bone contusions – are they really fractures? The conversation from readers was absolutely intriguing. But the irony of the post is that in the past nine years, there doesn’t seem to be any more clarity r...

Treatment of onychomycosis with Lamisil – how can I optimize treatment?
Treatment of onychomycosis with Lamisil – how can I optimize treatment?

Lamisil and onychomycosis - getting the most out of oral terbinifineonychomycosis

I had an interesting conversation this morning with a carpenter who came to see me regarding a fungal infection of the toe nails. My first thought was, ‘smart man’ in that it’s early spring and he’s getting a jump on treatment pr...