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Blog posts tagged with 'toe straightener'

Hammer Toes - Which pad is best for tip of the toe pain?
Hammer Toes - Which pad is best for tip of the toe pain?

Hammer toes often have problems isolated to the tip of the toe. Problems include callus and pain. How do you treat these tip-of-the-toe problems? This post explores the use of hammer toe splints, crest pads and toe caps.

Hammer Toes - What's the best pad for my toe?
Hammer Toes - What's the best pad for my toe?

What's the best pad for your sore hammer toes? That depends to a great degree on the location of the problem that you are trying to treat. Is the toe sore on the top of the toe, the tip of the toe or between the toes? Let's take a closer look at hammer toe products based upon how they treat the top, the tip or between the toes