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Blog posts tagged with 'toe nail injury'

Just For Toenails - Enhanced Nail Polish
Just For Toenails - Enhanced Nail Polish

Enhanced Nail Polish In Multiple ColorsJust For Toenails Nail Polish

Who'd've thought you could treat nail fungus with fun colors?

Spring has sprung, the grass has riz’, my how good my toenail is! It’s sandal season, y'all, and Just For Toenails is here just in time to help you get ready for summer and sandal season. Choose f...

Toe Nail Fungus | Causes and contributing factors
Toe Nail Fungus | Causes and contributing factors

What causes toe nail fungus? This article discussed the onset and treatment options for toe nail fungus (also called onychomycosis).

Runner's Nail | How do I treat it?
Runner's Nail | How do I treat it?

What's the best way to treat runner's nail? Black toe nail, called runner's nail (also walker's nail) is best treated when the bruise under the nail is drained promptly following injury. That's why the Naileezer Nail Drill is to tool of choice.