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Blog posts tagged with 'foot surgery'

What causes callus between the toes?
What causes callus between the toes?

Painful interdigital callus – treatment options

Callus is a direct response to friction.  When callus appears between the toes, it is often a sign that the friction is directlyInterdigital callus related to a bone spur on one or more adjacent toes.  In many cases, the boney prominence is normal anatomy that has becom...

Anticoagulation therapy and foot surgery – how do you safely discontinue anticoagulation treatment?
Anticoagulation therapy and foot surgery – how do you safely discontinue anticoagulation treatment?

How risky is it to stop Coumadin prior to elective foot surgery?erythrocytes

Anticoagulation therapy is used for a number of conditions including atrial fibrillation, history of deep vein thrombosis, cardiac and vascular implants and in cases of clotting disorders that result in thrombocytosis (elevated platel...

A Dose of My Own Medicine
A Dose of My Own Medicine

Lessons learned from a foot surgeon undergoing foot surgery - Dr. Oster

One of the factors that motivated me to go into podiatry as a young man was, in fact, a bit personal.  Being born with bilateral club feet, I felt I might have a little more empathy for folks who suffered from foot and ankle pain.  It’...

What is micro fracture?
What is micro fracture?

How is micro-fracture used in foot and ankle surgery?Hallux limitus chondromalacia

The surface of every joint is covered with a smooth, glistening material called cartilage.  Cartilage is an avascular structure that is supplied with oxygen and essential nutrients by the synovial fluid within the joint.  Synovial fluid is capab...

What’s the best hands-free speaker for the operating room?
What’s the best hands-free speaker for the operating room?

Music in the OR?Music in the OR

What’s the mood in an OR?  A lot of times, the mood in an operating room is set by the choice of music played during a surgical case.   Some surgeons are classical buffs.  Others show tunes.  I’m a jam band kind of guy.  So as the surgeon, I usually get to choose the music.  When w...